Friday, August 21, 2009

Rose bouquets

We've planted roses in both of the brick planters flanking the front of the house. They've really taken off and are doing very well this year. I have bought all of my roses from Reagan Nursery in Fremont. They have the largest and best selection of all varieties of roses. It's always lots of fun and not enough money when we go there. They also have a large selection of Peonies, Camelias, and Azaleas. Here are a few of my roses.

This is the only rose I got from Home Depot. It's really beautiful when this rose begins to bloom. The new blooms have a bright pink color and becomes peachy after a few days. Finally, it becomes a pale pink right before it wilts. The multi-petals resemble a Peony.

This Hot Cocoa never was a strong plant and never did really well until we replanted it with new Rose Soil. It went from a weakling with fingernail size leaves to a robust thriver with healthy sized leaves and stalks. The color is just so RICH! One drawback are the sharp and large thorns which cover the entire stalk.

This has to be our favorite of all, the Eden Climber. I was skeptical of whether it can adapt to the SF weather and bloom. So far, it's never disappointed. Every year it'd have flushes of these tightly clustered blooms. The color gradation contrasts especially well with the new house color!
We bought another Eden Climber for the planter on the other side of the house, but in a cream color.

The 8 rose bushes we have supply me with plenty of fragrant rose bouquets to enjoy throughout the summer. I especially love them in the bathroom.

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