Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ella at 7 months

My little girl is getting so big too fast! She's already outgrowing 9 month old clothes and fitting bearly into her 12 month clothes (although the legs and sleeves are too long). She's getting really good at the cat pose, but is imitating a puppy here.

One of chuba wabba's favorite snack is her own foot. Sometimes she takes both big toes simultaneously.

Ella got sick for the first time the week before Thanksgiving and passed it onto both Mommy and Grandpa. Her first taste her snot, yuk!

She's already found her favorite cartoon. She's completely captivated by "Little Einstein." Her attention is never divided when she's watching TV.


mockumentary said...

Mmm but big toes and snot are so salty and tasty!
Look at that little couch potato!

mockumentary said...

Wait, that's a girl?